+49 (89) 35063988

CAMPUS ONE | Aschheim

CAMPUS ONE | Aschheim
  • Location:

    Germany, Aschheim​

  • Runtime:

    2020 - 2021

  • Gross floor area:

    23 400 m2

  • Elevation:

    5 | 1

  • Client:

    Sweco GmbH​

  • Project Partner:

    TGA-light UG

  • Stage:

    Detail Design
    Final Design

  • BPS Services:

    Building Services Design, including:
    Sewage, water and gas systems
    Heat supply systems
    Air supply and conditioning systems

    BIM Modelling, including:

  • Hashtag:



Campus One is situated within the recently established Expo Gate business park on the eastern periphery of Munich. The project was considered one of the largest new office leases in Munich and in Germany at the time of development in 2018. The undertaking encompassed the complete construction of novel office structures and was supported by BPS Planung, who provided coordination planning, engineering services, execution planning, as well as BIM modelling for the facets of the project.

Building Services:

Building services, also known as technical building systems, are essential components that ensure the functionality, comfort, and safety of a built environment. A multi-use development requires a comprehensive approach to the design and planning of the building services including intricate HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) with the main emphasis placed on the heating supply and refrigeration systems. In this regard, the creation of a comprehensive 3D model forms the foundation for precise systems planning, modeling and calculations, which are pivotal for optimal building performance.

BIM Planning:

BIM planning was pivotal in facilitating the design and planning of building services throughout various project phases. The existing structure of the development represented through the preexisting 2D drawings and 3D model acted as a basis for further design, planning, modernisation and digitisation of the project, which allowed for a detailed analysis of elements and their integration in the final design and the Digital Twin. The process extended to the production of an all-encompassing documentation package, planning documents, plan lists, precise calculations, and detailed descriptions, which were used for further work carried out on the project.

Durch den Einsatz von BIM-Technologien ist ein genaues Verständnis für ein komplexes Projekt mit einer Vielzahl von Interessenvertretern in allen Phasen des Entwurfs, der Planung und des Baus verfügbar.

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BPS Planung is the full cicle design office, that unites experienced teams of engineers, architects and BIM-Specialists under one roof.