+49 (89) 35063988

BMW | Freimann

BMW | Freimann
  • Location:

    Germany, Munich

  • Runtime:

    2018 - 2020

  • Gross floor area:

    33 000 m2

  • Elevation:

    4 | -

  • Client:

    Swietelsky AG

  • Stage:

    Detail Design
    Final Design

  • BPS Services:

    Creation BEP | BIM Execution Plan

    BIM Modelling, including:
    Sewage, water and gas systems
    Heat supply systems
    Air supply and conditioning systems
    Fire protection systems
    Power supply systems
    Tele - and other commu­ni­ca­tions systems
    Building automation

    BIM model checking and collision resolution

    Creating a BIM model as a database for storing information about an object
    Parameterization a BIM model for usage in CAFM program SAP

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BPS Planung is the full cicle design office, that unites experienced teams of engineers, architects and BIM-Specialists under one roof.