BIM Passport, Unterföhring, Gutenbergstraße 4




Project details






ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE


Services provided by BPS Planung: 

BIM Analysis & Digital Twin 







The project encompasses multiple individual buildings within a large-scale development, spanning across 16 distinct locations and comprising a total of 52 buildings. ProSiebenSat.1 made the strategic decision to embark on the process of modelling the pre-existing buildings. This initiative aimed to foster an understanding of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology, creating invaluable experience. Furthermore, this sought to cultivate expertise in the realms of BIM4FM, a pivotal resource for both current and forthcoming construction ventures. Central to the project’s success was the creation of a digital twin. It served multifaceted purposes, ranging from enhancing maintenance coordination to refining the spatial layout within the buildings. It played a pivotal role in comprehending the intricate dimensions and configurations of the existing structures, setting a robust foundation for future endeavours in reconstruction and management. 


Use of BIM: 


The primary objective of the initial phase was to digitally capture data about existing buildings at a consistent quality level, enabling uniform processes and information utilisation through a singular data source. The adoption of the BIM methodology was instrumental in ensuring the integrity of data within the BIM model for operational purposes, leading to the creation of a digital twin. The utilisation of BIM was in line with the client’s objective to develop a portal with robust capabilities for organising building and space management, occupancy planning, contract and budget oversight, and property management, including technical equipment and inventory.




Fragmental BIM application is possible for any of the 9 stages of construction for accuracy and optimisation of facility, property, and asset management. 




Let’s succeed. Together.
BPS Planung is the full cicle design office, that unites experienced teams of engineers, architects and BIM-Specialists under one roof.
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